017 Participant’s Information, Money and Property Procedures


All Proactive Support staff, participants


003 Participant’s Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy

009 Information Management Policy

‘Participant Belongings’ form

‘Participant Informed Consent’ form

1. Information Collection Procedure

1.1 Who may provide information about a Participant to Proactive Support?

  • Participant
  • Advocate, Carer or Nominee
  • Staff member
  • Member of the public (e.g. witness to an incident)

1.2 How is the information collected?

  • Proactive Support forms e.g. Incident Report, Positive Feedback, Participant Profile and Support Plan
  • Verbal information entered into registers etc.
  • Video recordings on an electronic device
  • Audio recordings on an electronic device
  • Photographs taken on an electronic device

1.3 What can be collected?

  • Participant information which is required for providing them with supports and services
  • Information for which the participant has given consent (see ‘Participant Photograph and Informed Consent’ form)
  • Information from other service providers necessary for supporting the participant

1.4 Information requirements

Information should be:

  • Easily identifiable: Each page is to be identified by the participant’s name and date of birth
  • Accurate – no hearsay or guesswork, only facts
  • Concise and relevant
  • Stored securely as per legislation

Information should not be collected, stored, used or shared with anyone, purposefully or by omission, unless the participant, carer and/or nominee provides informed consent, or Proactive Support are required by law to do so.

2. Money and Property Management

Participant money, whether in cash or loaded onto PIN/EFTPOS cards or credit cards, is strictly off limits to staff members for any use or access. This measure is implemented to uphold the integrity of financial transactions, ensuring transparency, accountability, and the prevention of potential misuse or unauthorised handling. It is hereby acknowledged that Proactive Support does not assume any responsibility for participant money or property.

2.1 Use of Participant’s money and property

Participant’s money and other property is only to be used in the following circumstances, and with prior approval from the Proactive Support Director:

  • By the participant (with support, if required), for the participant
  • With the consent of the participant, carer or nominee
  • For the purpose intended by the participant

2.2 Accounting for Participant’s money and property

Where a participant is in possession of money or property which should be protected, the ‘Participant Belongings’ form must be completed by the supporting staff member and attached to the participant’s file, including:

  • Name of participant
  • Date of birth  
  • Item (e.g. money, handbag)

And the following, only if applicable

  • Monetary value
  • Amount spent
  • Items purchased
  • Monetary value left
  • Date of purchase
  • Signature and name of staff member
  • Signature of participant, carer and/or nominee  

2.3 Review

This procedure is to be reviewed yearly by Proactive Support staff and participants to ensure it meets the needs of the participant and provides appropriate security.