014 Complaints Procedures


All Proactive Support staff, participants, advocates, carers, nominees, members of the public


001 Participant’s Rights Policy

003 Participant’s Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy

004 Risk Management Framework

005 Risk Management Policy

006 Work Health and Safety Policy

007 Feedback and Complaints Management Policy

011 Human Resource Management Policy

016 Reporting an Incident Procedure

018 Risk Management Procedure


Complaint Handling Guidelines for Providers

1. Recognising a Complaint

  • An expression of dissatisfaction with a NDIS support or service for which a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected
  • It may not be expressly stated that they want to make a complaint, but they have an issue or concern to raise which should be dealt with as a complaint
  • It can come from any person, not just the participant

2. Making a Complaint

2.1 To Proactive Support

  • Call or Send Text Message: 0406940123
  • Fill in: Complaint Form (in ‘Welcome Pack’)
  • Post to 1283 Old Esk Road, Taromeo, Qld 4314, or
  • Give it to Proactive Support staff, or

2.2 To NDIS Commission

  • Phone: 1800 035 599
  • Online:

1. Go to website: www.ndiscommission.gov.au  

2. Click on ‘Make a complaint’ (top right-hand corner)

3. Read information about making a complaint, then click on ‘Complaint Contact Form’

4. Fill in form, then click on ‘Submit’ (bottom right-hand corner)

3. Making an Anonymous Complaint

  • To Proactive Support: fill in the Complaint Form (with no identifying details) then post it
  • To NDIS Commission: Phone 1800 035 544

4. Acknowledging a Complaint

  • Acknowledge how the person feels
  • Genuinely listen, without interrupting
  • Treat it seriously, demonstrating to the person that their input is valued
  • Do everything you can initially to address their concerns, asking what outcome they would like

5. Providing Support

Support must be offered to the person making a complaint (including the affected participant):

  • Offer to contact the participant’s preferred advocates
  • Staff members can provide support through the entire process by understanding, acknowledging, communicating answers, and action items and feeding back the outcome. It is important to ensure those affected by the issue are included in the solution
  • Respond to every complaint and feedback to ensure the safety of clients and others or to prevent harm to the clients and others
  • Conduct investigations ensuring the rights, confidentiality, fairness, and equity of all parties is achieved

6. Acting on a Complaint

Depending on the issue raised by the complainant, some or all the following actions may be relevant:

  • Make a risk assessment to determine the impact on the participant
  • Make an action plan, including the following:
  • Who, what and when will it be done
  • how the progress of the complaint and outcomes will be communicated to the person making the complaint and the participant
  • how the progress of the complaint actions and implementation will be overseen
  • Carry out research to provide answers to the complainant which are factual
  • Seek feedback from the complainant and affected participant to ensure satisfaction with the outcome
  • Give an apology (depending on the situation, this may need to be made by management)

7. Making a Referral

If a complaint raises an issue which indicates a legal offence it will need to be referred to the appropriate body:

  • Any staff member who becomes aware of a legal offence must notify management as soon as possible
  • Management will report the legal offence following mandatory reporting guidelines outlined in the Reporting an Incident Procedure

8. Reviewing the Complaints Management System

The system will be audited yearly to enable and ensure:

  • Review of issues raised in complaints
  • Identification of any systemic issues
  • Information relating to complaints can be provided to the NDIS Commission, if requested to do so by the Commissioner

9. Recording a Complaint

Complaints must be entered in the Feedback and Complaints Register by staff as follows:

  • Year
  • Date
  • Name – of complainant
  • Contact details – one form of contact is acceptable
  • Received via – mode e.g. phone, complaints form
  • Details – of complaint (or feedback)
  • Support given
  • Issues raised – brief description. If related to a participant include the participant’s name
  • Issue owner – designated by management
  • Action taken
  • Outcome