013 Medication Procedure


All Proactive Support staff and Participants


‘Participant Medication Authorisation Chart’ form

‘Participant Medication Consent’ Form

‘Participant Profile and Support Plan’ form

003 Participant’s Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality

005 Risk Management Policy

006 Work Health and Safety Policy

009 Information Management Policy

015 Managing an Incident Procedure

016 Reporting an Incident Procedure

017 Participant’s Information, Money, and Property Procedure

019 Hazardous Substances Procedure

028 Mealtime Management Policy

029 Mealtime Management Procedure

1. Objectives

  • To prevent or minimise the potential risks associated with medication management and therefore potential adverse outcomes for patients.
  • To promote and support the quality and correct use of medications.
  • To ensure safe practice along the continuum of medication management.

2. Consent

  • Before any medication is given, the participant, their carer or nominee needs to sign the ‘Participant Medication Consent’ form.  This consent is for PRN (as needed) medication, scripted medication and webster packed medication.  
  • A ‘Participant Medication Authorisation Chart’ form is to be completed as well, to ensure the participant is correctly identified and the details of their medication confirmed.
  • Any medication given to a participant by a support worker must be documented in the shift notes on the day it is given.

3. Correct Administration

The Seven Rights of Medication Administration is the check procedure to be followed:

  • RIGHT participant
  • RIGHT medication
  • RIGHT dose
  • RIGHT time
  • RIGHT route
  • RIGHT reason  
  • RIGHT documentation

4. Storage

  • Medication is to be stored according to the instructions on the packet
  • Medication is to be stored safely (upright, out of reach of children)
  • Medication is to be accessed only by staff members who are trained to administer it
  • Medication must be stored so that it can be easily differentiated from other medication

5. Staff Knowledge

  • Staff members are trained in medication administration and attend any required refreshers
  • Staff members can verify by script or other means that this medication is to be administered
  • Staff members are to read the medication packet to understand the effects and side-effects of the medication they are administering
  • Staff members should read the ‘Emergency Medical Information’ section of the ‘Participant Profile and Support Plan’ form
  • Staff members are to monitor the participant following medication administration to identify any signs of an adverse reaction.
  • Staff members are to follow the 015 Managing an Incident Procedure should a medication incident occur
  • Staff members are to maintain participant confidentiality at all times
  • Staff members must follow standard precautions in the preparation of all medications

6. Right to Refuse Medications

Unless the circumstance is covered under the Mental Health Act, all participants have the right to refuse any recommended intervention including pharmacological treatment. Support workers will document this in the shift notes.