007 Feedback and Complaints Management Policy

1. Purpose

Proactive Support is committed to ensuring participants have direct access to a feedback and complaints forum and clear processes which are easy to follow. This policy outlines how feedback can be given and complaints made, without fear of retribution, resulting in a satisfactory resolution for the participant.

2. Scope

This policy covers:

  • All interactions of Proactive Support staff (including management) with participants and their advocates, whether in person or indirectly e.g. email, phone call, text message etc.
  • Any action by staff affecting participants (they do not need to be present)
  • Any Proactive Support function or activity which merits feedback or complaint

3. Definitions

In this policy:

Staff means any person employed by Proactive Support, including managers and workers, regardless of pay, status or working hours

Participant means a client or potential client who is receiving supports or services from Proactive Support

Advocate is a person speaking or acting on the participant’s behalf, including associated family members, carers, nominees, independent advocates, and significant others

4. Rights and Responsibilities

All Staff

It is the responsibility of all staff to:

  • Provide information to participants, their advocates, and any members of the public on making a complaint to Proactive Support and / or to the NDIS Commission
  • Welcome all feedback (and complaints) ensuring the Feedback and Complaints Register is updated
  • Have input into the resolution of complaints and continuous quality improvement of Proactive Support’s Feedback and Complaints Management System
  • Be familiar with Proactive Support’s Feedback and Complaints Management Policy and Procedures


It is the responsibility of Proactive Support management to:

  • Maintain a complaints management and resolution system which is accessible to participants
  • Foster a supportive environment where complaints and other feedback is welcomed, acknowledged, respected and well-managed
  • Be consistent – risk management applies to all areas of Proactive Support
  • Focus on achieving positive results for all participants
  • Ensure staff are trained in and comply with this Policy and 014 Complaints Procedure

5. Queensland Human Rights Act 2019

Proactive Support have an obligation to treat people in accordance with their human rights and therefore staff must understand human rights and take them into account in their day-to-day work. They will need to read the Act to become familiar with its principles, incorporating them into their interactions with participants. These rights include, but are not limited to, the right to: 

  • Recognition and equality before the law 
  • Freedom of movement, thought, conscience, religion, belief and expression 
  • Take part in public life 
  • Privacy and reputation 
  • Liberty and security of person 
  • Cultural rights 
  • Health Services

6. Feedback

Feedback is to be welcomed. A participant or advocate, or in fact any member of the public should be encouraged to give feedback to Proactive Support and / or the NDIS Commission about the supports and services we provide. The information in this policy is to be shared with each participant in their ‘Welcome Pack’ prior to them accessing Proactive Support’s services.

Feedback can be given in a variety of ways:   

  • Written: Email, letter, text message, Complaints form
  • Verbal (by phone or otherwise)  
  • Online – to the NDIS Commission

All feedback given to Proactive Support, whether positive or negative, should be processed appropriately. This includes:

  • Acknowledging the feedback
  • Identifying any issues raised and addressing them
  • Facilitating resolution and reporting back
  • Entering the details in the Feedback and Complaints Register

7. Complaints

For those who have made a complaint to Proactive Support regarding their supports and services, some extra steps must be taken in the process of addressing issues and finding a resolution. These are:

7.1 Encouraging Complaints

Proactive Support welcomes complaints as they give the person an opportunity to voice their concerns and have their issues resolved. Receiving complaints and dealing with them results in improved services and support for participants. When participants can see a positive attitude towards complaints and a commitment to resolving issues, their satisfaction with Proactive Support’s services will increase.

7.2 Timeliness

Once the issue is understood and acknowledges it is important to work towards resolving it directly and quickly. If it is a straightforward matter, it can be dealt with immediately.

7.3 Provide Support

Provide support to the complainant, offering them information on how to access advocacy services. Let them know that anyone making a complaint will not be victimised, but treated fairly.

7.4 Issue Owner

For the more complex issues that cannot be resolved immediately management must designate an ‘issue owner’ who will see the complaint process through. That person has the following role in communicating with the affected complainant:

  • Keep them informed of the progress towards resolution
  • Involve them in the process
  • Advise them of any action taken and the rationale behind it
  • Offer them options for review

7.5 NDIS Commission

Where the complainant has been unable to have their issue resolved by Proactive Support, they need to be able to raise the issue with the NDIS Commission.  It is the duty of all staff to be able to provide information on how to contact the NDIS Commission and support them through that process.

7.6 Confidentiality

Only those involved in the complaint resolution need to know about it, as strict confidentiality is to be maintained. Disclosure is only appropriate if required by law or is otherwise appropriate in the circumstances.

 Further information about the processes associated with managing complaints are outlined in the Complaints Procedures.

8. Administration

Proactive Support management will ensure the following:

  • The Complaints Management System is reviewed annually to ensure it is fair, timely and effective. For further information refer to the 010 Quality Management Framework
  • Relevant feedback and complaints items should be turned into an ‘opportunity for improvement’ and entered into the Continuous Improvement register
  • Records entered in the Feedback and Complaints Register will be kept for 7 years from date of entry
  • Statistics and other information relating to issues raised through the complaints process can be reviewed, identified and addressed and reported to the Commissioner at their request
  • Staff are trained in how to enter information into the Feedback and Complaints Register
  • Referral and notification can be made to any other bodies in accordance with any requirements under relevant Commonwealth or Queensland laws
  • Feedback is sought from participants on the accessibility of the Feedback and Complaints system

9. Related Documentation

Proactive Support

001 Participant’s Rights Policy

003 Participant’s Privacy, Dignity and Confidentiality Policy

010 Quality Management Framework

014 Complaints Procedures

Continuous Improvement Register


National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018

NDIS Effective Complaint Handling Guidelines for Providers